C Language Integrated Production System - meaning and definition. What is C Language Integrated Production System
Online Dictionary

What (who) is C Language Integrated Production System - definition

Integrated production; Integrated Production; Integrated crop production
  • Continuous learning process in integrated farming
  • The holistic approach UNI 11233 new European bio standard: integrated production system looks at and relates to the whole '''Organic''' and '''Bio''' farm
  • Integrated Farming in the context of sustainable agriculture

K&R C         
  • thumb
  • "Hello, World!" program by [[Brian Kernighan]] (1978)
  • [[Dennis Ritchie]] (right), the inventor of the C programming language, with [[Ken Thompson]]
  • The cover of the book ''The C Programming Language'', first edition, by [[Brian Kernighan]] and [[Dennis Ritchie]]
  • The C Programming Language
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
C language; K and R C; K&R C; C (Programming Language); C programming; K and r c; C (programming); C program; C (computer language); Computer language C; C programing language; C (language); Criticism of the C programming language; C prog; C programming language; C programming language, criticism; Criticism of C (programming language); Criticism of C; C programming Language; .c; C Language; C (programming langage); C (lang); C Programming; C programming language/K and R C; Programming language C; C-programming; C lang; 32/16 bit C programming; C programming language/Evolution; C (software); User:Cortex128/C; History of the C programming language; Data types in C; Memory management in C; C78 (C version)
<language> (C Classic) The C programming language as defined in the first edition of K&R, with some small additions. The name "C Classic", a play on "Coke Classic", came into use while ANSI C was being standardised by the ANSI X3J11 committee. See also classic. [Jargon File] (2006-09-26)
Integrated farming         
Integrated Farming - UNI 11233-2009 new European agriculture organic standard (IF), integrated production or Integrated Farm Management is a whole farm management system which aims to deliver more sustainable agriculture. It is a dynamic approach which can be applied to any farming system around the world.
Language production         
Language Production; Connectionist model of language production
Language production is the production of spoken or written language. In psycholinguistics, it describes all of the stages between having a concept to express and translating that concept into linguistic forms.


Integrated farming

Integrated Farming (IF), integrated production or Integrated Farm Management is a whole farm management system which aims to deliver more sustainable agriculture. Integrated Farming combines modern tools and technologies with traditional practices according to a given site and situation, often employing many cultivation techniques in a small growing area.